Episode 97 | Zach Noe Towers

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He’s one of the funniest humans on this planet and a true hero in the world of comedy due to his openness about his recovery: Writer, actor, and phenomenal comedian, Zach Noe Towers shares about life behind the curtain of laughs! We cover everything from addiction, recovery, breaking stigma, imposter syndrome, coming out, and working in a profession where partying is the norm. You won’t want to miss this extra special episode for National Recovery Month!

Zach Noe Towers is an LA-based comedian, actor, and writer. He can currently be seen hosting on the E! series Nightly Pop, on the E! series Dating #NoFilter, as well as on season 3 of Netflix’s Dear White People. Zach was selected to be a New Face at the prestigious Montreal Just For Laughs Festival 2018, and was one of Time Out Magazine’s “2018 Comedians to Watch.” He can be seen touring comedy clubs around the country, and on tour with comics such as Whitney Cummings and Fortune Feimster. Zach’s short film KILLER FRIENDS (which he directed, wrote, and starred in) was screened at many film festivals both domestically and internationally and won the overall audience award at Dances With Films.



Zach Noe Towers:

URL: www.zachnoetowers.com

Insta: www.instagram.com/zachnoetowers


Patrick Custer:

Insta: www.instagram.com/patrick_custer


National Suicide Help Line

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Rooted Recovery Stories Podcast:

Insta: www.instagram.com/rootedrecoverystories

URL: www.rootedrecoverystories.com


Promises Behavioral Health – Help for addiction, mental health/trauma:

Call: (888) 648-4098

URL: www.promisesbehavioralhealth.com

Insta: www.instagram.com/promises_bh

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