
Long-Term Cannabis Use Makes Cocaine Withdrawal Worse, Study Finds

Cannabis abuse is the term for a non-addicted pattern of marijuana/cannabis consumption that nevertheless interferes with the ability to maintain stable, productive daily routines. The condition forms part of a larger health problem called cannabis use disorder. In a study published in September 2014 in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence, a team of Brazilian …

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How Does Delay Discounting Affect the Behavior of Cocaine Addicts?

Delay discounting is a term psychologists and psychiatrists use to describe the human tendency to favor tangible short-term rewards over potentially greater long-term rewards. The same term applies to the human tendency to weigh obvious short-term losses against potential long-term losses. In a study slated for publication in 2014 in the journal Addictive Behaviors, researchers …

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Cocaine Adulteration and Risks for Dangerous Infection

Manufacturers of the illegal street drug cocaine commonly cheapen or adulterate their products with other substances in order to save money and make their drug supplies go farther. Since roughly 2003, one of the substances most frequently added to cocaine has been levamisole, a medication banned from human use in the United States. Cocaine users …

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Cocaine Use and Ischemic Stroke

Ischemic stroke is a type of stroke that occurs when something blocks the flow of blood in a blood vessel leading to the brain. It differs from another form of stroke, called hemorrhagic stroke, which occurs when one of the brain’s blood vessels weakens and breaks open. More than 80 percent of all strokes are …

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Do Cocaine Addicts Ever Fully Recover?

Cocaine is a plant-derived illegal stimulant known for its ability to produce addiction by altering the brain’s pleasure-producing chemical environment. Treatment specialists can potentially offset the effects of cocaine addiction with the help of various forms of psychotherapy and participation in mutual assistance groups. In a study published in October 2013 in the journal Biological …

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Carl Hart: Rats Given Sweets, Playmates CAN Turn Backs on Cocaine

Research conducted by a Columbia University psychologist is turning stereotypes about drug addicts on their heads. Carl Hart, an associate professor of psychology, has been researching drug addiction for years with the hopes of learning the truths about drugs, drug abuse and addiction. His ideas about addicts, backed by research, have been published in a …

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