Does the thought of not having your cell phone close by cause anxiety? Do you constantly check your phone or worry about its whereabouts? If so, you may be suffering from Nomophobia, cites a new study on the subject. Having our cellphones attached at the hip has become more than a necessity – especially for young women. For some, it has become an outright obsession. SecurEnvoy, a cell phone technology company, reports that so-called Nomophobia – short for “no mobile phone phobia,” is growing. In fact, over 65 percent of survey participants admitted they had experienced separation anxiety when confronted with a missing cell phone. Results are up from prior research conducted four years ago when just over 50 percent of individuals surveyed reported feelings of Nomophobia. Today, the average person checks her phone about 34 times daily, reports SecurEnvoy. Cellphones have become as much a part of our lives as people, but they should not replace or interfere with personal relationships, reports director of family psychologists, Dr. Mitch Spero of Broward County. One study participant confesses that instead of a newspaper or magazine, he brings his cell phone into the toilet with him. He is not alone. Three-fourths of those surveyed stated that they take their phones to the restroom with them, also, and many confirmed that their cellphone went along for the ride no matter where they went. Karla Campos, an admitted cell phone addict, says her cell phone even has a name, “Celly.” Campos admits to showering with her cell phone so she doesn’t miss a call and says the phone has become a preferred method of communication between her and her son. She divulges that conversations with her son are very limited in person, but that he opens up to her more when they converse through the cell phone or on Facebook. According to Dr. Spero, not all forms of communication are equal. When it comes to those we care about, there is no substitute for face-to-face.