Rational emotive behavioral therapy programs (REBT) work with what is and help you heal. They’re part of our dual diagnosis treatment approach. How could REBT assist you today? Most importantly, how does it work?
Understanding the Dual Diagnosis
Program participants at our dual diagnosis program work with behavioral health specialists. There, they learn to deal with psychiatric conditions such as anxiety or depression. Clients find healthy ways of managing disorders. In some cases, this may require pharmacological intervention.
At the same time, they have to come to terms with the addiction. This condition doesn’t require managing. Rather, you have to stop engaging in it. Therefore, therapists put together a care protocol.
Possible modalities include:
- Neurofeedback, which strengthens areas of the brain that have to do with rational thought and decision-making
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) that helps you change the way you react to thoughts, feelings, and actions
- Motivational interviewing, which is an excellent tool for putting yourself in control of healing and therapy
- Therapeutic recreation that lets you work with others in teams to hone social and life skills
- Reality therapy programs for relapse prevention training
Rational emotive behavioral therapy programs integrate easily with cognitive-behavioral therapy. That’s because REBT for addiction treatment, just as CBT, assumes dysfunction at the onset.
Enlisting the Assistance of Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy Programs
Rational emotive therapy center clinicians recognize that behavioral therapy is essential for ending substance abuse. However, it can be challenging to adapt behaviors when some thought patterns are not rational. For example, you may believe that a modern parent has to be perfect because of the access to parenting literature. However, it’s impossible to be an ideal parent.
That’s because you’re an imperfect human. Moreover, your children are imperfect as well. However, you’ve ingrained the thought that you have to be perfect. Maybe you go so far as to demand perfection from others, too.
For you, REBT programs acknowledge that there’s little between perfection and total failure. It’s an example of faulty reasoning. Even so, it upsets your life. You feel inadequate, depressed, anxious, angry, and let down. Your self-esteem suffers.
Rational emotive behavioral therapy programs let you tap into tools you need to end this kind of negative self-talk. To do so, you learn to understand your logical response to an event. Besides that, you separate it from your emotional reaction. You learn a lot about yourself during these sessions.
REBT programs at our rational emotive therapy center then give you ways of reasoning with yourself. You can gauge your reaction to see if it is in keeping with the severity of the event. You do the same for the emotional response. Next, you find a way to achieve equilibrium.
Why REBT for Addiction Treatment is Essential
Rational emotive behavioral therapy programs are essential for healing from substance abuse. Addiction is a disease with unique patterns. They depend on you. The same’s true for your emotional and rational reactions.
This is one of the reasons why therapists will customize a care protocol for you. It ensures that you receive the care you need versus the care someone else could benefit from. Furthermore, you learn about yourself and how to beat addiction into submission. This process looks different for everyone.
Find out what it would look like for you today. This is also an excellent time to discuss participation in rational emotive behavioral therapy programs. At Promises Behavioral Health, caring therapists are standing by to answer your questions and conduct an intake evaluation. Call 844.875.5609 today for insurance verification and to schedule your appointment.