Am I addicted to porn even though I’m a woman? Does a porn habit coincide with other addictive behaviors? Is there help for this condition? Your sex addiction questions – answered!
Am I Addicted to Porn?
The stereotype suggests that the typical abuser of pornography is the middle-aged male. However, that’s not the case. A scientific literature review shows that women between the ages of 18 and 26 are increasingly consuming pornography. Men’s use of porn remains steady. Researchers attribute this shift to the rise of online porn. It gives people easy access, anonymity, and an affordable price point. Therefore, someone with an addictive personality easily slips into porn addiction. “Am I addicted to porn if I’m male or female?” You might be. However, there’s help. A good-quality sex addiction treatment program offers practical solutions.
What Treatment Looks Like
Therapists acknowledge that sex addiction is a real thing. If you’re worrying, “am I addicted to porn,” you could be. Frequently, this behavior goes hand in hand with other dependencies; 64% of people with a sex disorder also struggle with chemical addiction. Treatment begins with an assessment. Caring professionals talk with you in-depth about your condition. They want to learn about substance abuse, eating habits, and possible traumatic experiences from the past. Therapists also evaluate you for underlying mood disorders. From there, they can put together a care protocol. Examples of approaches include:
- Residential or intensive outpatient treatment that meets you at your point of need
- One-on-one talk therapy that lets you overcome unhealthy relationship habits
- Relationship counseling that helps your partner get on board with your desire for healing
- Group therapy as a tool for overcoming common patterns that many people in your position struggle with
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy, which empowers you to overcome dysfunction with healthy coping mechanisms
- Dual diagnosis treatment for the management of underlying conditions
- Trauma treatment, which helps you work through adverse events and situations from the past
Aftercare is Essential
There’s no cure for addiction. This is true whether you have a chemical dependency or process disorder. Sex addiction falls into the latter category. However, these conditions respond well to treatment. Moreover, an excellent aftercare program protects your newfound recovery. Examples include a plan you devise with your therapist. It might focus on ongoing outpatient treatment that lets you maintain a connection with the facility. If you had a chemical dependency, support group attendance is critical. Visiting a sex addiction therapist to continue porn addiction treatment also helps. Some program participants move into a sober-living home. It assists them in practicing the daily steps of not falling back into old habits. Almost all program graduates could benefit from this practice. You’re wondering, “Am I addicted to porn?” Quit trying to hide a habit that might not be your fault. If you have an addictive personality, you need treatment – not better discipline. At Promises, caring therapists want to help you; call 844.875.5609 now.