Diverse addiction treatment alumni program

Get Rooted: About Our Alumni Program

When treatment ends, participants of our residential, intensive outpatient and partial hospitalization programs face yet another challenging task: reentering their community with sobriety in mind. While remaining in treatment in perpetuity is not possible, our alumni networks offer a more tailored program for this stage of the process. Many triggers—whether they take shape as environments or specific people or mindsets—will arise and tempt your hardly won sobriety. Staying connected to the program that helped you find success is one way you can rally your defenses against these attacks that threaten to pull you off track. 

Deeply Rooted Alumni Program at Promises Behavioral Health

At Promises Behavioral Health, we feel that our alumni network is aptly named. Our Rooted Alumni Program inspires images of a tree. But more than that, it speaks to the places where that tree is planted and fed and nourished. A tree with deep roots can survive on its own. But it thrives when connected to the grove and the nursery where it first took root.

A tree’s hunt for water often inspires me. Complex root systems underground rival their impressive canopy aboveground. And even concrete sidewalks don’t stand a chance against their quest for sustenance. Trees and many forms of plant life have the ability to weather many seasons of life, adding a ring of wisdom as you add each keyring to your set.

So, Why Join Our Rooted Alumni Program?

Our Rooted alumni program, and many programs like it, are important for several reasons. 

  • The program inspires possibility
  • It reminds you of where you’ve been
  • Alumni peers help you feel known
  • It keeps you humble

#1 An Alumni Program Can Help You Envision Your Future

Those just beginning their recovery journey can socialize with and learn from others who have been in your place. These individuals are likely to understand each other better than people who’ve never battled substance abuse. They can relate to each other in ways that people who have never lived with substance use can’t. Members who are farther along in their recovery can offer insights and feedback about what has worked for them. Seeing others you respect participate in group and glimpsing the way they’ve structured their life gives you hope. It also inspires the possibility for what you also can become. 

#2 Our Rooted Alumni Network Reminds You of Where You’ve Been

For those further out from the addiction that once held them captive, participating in an alumni network offers something slightly different. Hearing others’ stories will allow you to connect with the part of yourself that was in their shoes, with the added ability to reflect on the pride or shame or brokenness that colors their story. Offering new seedlings your wisdom can help solidify those concepts in your own life. It increases your gratefulness that you have emerged into a warmer season. Even recounting your own stories through the perspective of your later years can help you glean new insights and help you make peace with the past. 

#3 We Nourish Your Mental Health

With weekly initiatives like the Rooted Recovery podcast, live stream support groups, workshop sessions and even monthly and yearly opportunities for connection, staying tied to a nutrient source can help you remain grounded, even as you branch farther out. Refreshers on stress management and CBT skills can help your tools change and adapt as you do.

Participating in meetings and activities with other alumni can also help you fill your schedule with things that support your recovery, including opportunities for sober fun. The networking opportunities and socializing stemming from this program can give you a newfound structure to your days, and help you discover who you are when you’re not under the influence of substances. 

#4 Connecting with an Alumni Community Helps You Feel Known

Community with others is an important benefit of staying connected with an alumni network. Having others to turn to when things get challenging is essential, as is having that route of predictable nutrition in times of drought. When the world went into lockdown nearly two years ago, there was a whole community of people who understood the nuanced challenges of time at home for those in recovery. Our team of experts was on the case, recognizing the need for coping skills adapted to the size of your living room.  

#5 Hearing Others’ Stories Keep You Humble

A common saying is that the disease of addiction is “cunning, baffling and powerful.” Before long, the temptations of addiction will manifest into complicated head games and often the lie that whispers, “Do I even have an addiction anymore? One drink should be fine”. Staying connected with a community that knows the complicated truth of addiction and relapse can help you fight those voices.

All those experiencing various forms of addiction and recovery are encouraged to join our Rooted alumni program, whether or not they were once a client of Promises Behavioral Health. You can become part of a community with other recovering individuals in this program, making maintaining sobriety easier. Whether you are just beginning your journey and looking for information about starting rehab, or you are looking to get connected to a recovery community near you, our caring staff would love to support you and point you in the right direction. Connect with us today to learn more about our programs and how you can get connected. Call (888) 968-5633 for a free and confidential assessment.

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