A group of people who should be asking themselves, "How many drinks are too many?"

How Many Drinks Are Too Many?

Having an occasional drink in a social setting or having one to relax after a long day of work can be normal, but if that drink turns into two or three, it can point to an issue with alcohol. How many drinks are too many? Get the answers to this and other substance use disorder questions by turning to our alcohol rehab center at Promises. Call us at 844.875.5609.  

How Much Drinking Is Too Much? Recognizing When You Have a Problem 

Alcohol is a depressant. It works on your central nervous system, slowing down brain function and neural activity. Having one drink doesn’t always have a sedating effect, however, which is what makes alcohol a tricky substance to manage.  

After one drink, you may feel stimulated and full of energy, prompting you to keep drinking. Once you have another drink, however, alcohol’s sedating effects can begin.  

Those who don’t feel the sedating effects right after consuming alcohol are the ones who are more at risk of developing an alcohol use disorder because they need to drink more of the substance to get the full effects.  

How much drinking is too much, though? The first thing to establish is what counts as a drink. A standard drink is: 

  • 12 fluid ounces of regular beer 
  • 5 fluid ounces of table wine 
  • 8-10 fluid ounces of malt liquor or flavored malt drinks 
  • 3-4 fluid ounces of fortified wine 
  • 1.5 fluid ounces of cognac or brandy 
  • 2-3 fluid ounces of liqueur or cordial 
  • 1.5 fluid ounces of distilled spirits 

Differences For Men and Women

For women, the recommended average drink for a day is one or fewer, while for men, it’s two or fewer.  

Heavy drinking for women means having four or more drinks in a day or eight or more in a week, while for men, it is five or more in a day or 15 or more in a week.  

For some people, even one drink is too much. This includes people who are taking certain medications, have medical conditions, plan on driving, are under the legal drinking age, or are pregnant or breastfeeding.  

What to Do if You Have an Alcohol Dependence 

If you realize that the answer to the question, “How many drinks are too many?” is what you usually drink, or if you experience withdrawal symptoms if you don’t have a drink, it can mean you’ve become dependent on alcohol. This dependence can develop into an addiction.  

The best thing to do for yourself and those around you is to turn to a treatment center that can help with alcohol use disorders.  

Starting with medical detox services is important since withdrawal symptoms can be severe. With the right medications helping you, you can begin treatment without the worry of dangerous symptoms or discomfort.  

Once you’ve gone through detox services, we can help you decide whether you might benefit more from residential treatment or outpatient programs. For many people, the full immersion that residential services offer can allow them to focus solely on their recovery. For others, leaving family or work responsibilities may be impossible. In that case, outpatient services can be a better option.  

No matter what program you choose when you turn to Promises, you will receive hours of individual and group therapy sessions to help uncover the underlying cause of the addiction. You will also have access to family therapy services and aftercare programs that can help you transition out of treatment.  

Looking for an Alcohol Rehab Center? Trust Promises With Your Sobriety 

At Promises, we know what a huge step asking for help with a substance use disorder is—and how brave you are for taking it. We are here to offer services you can rely on.  

Contact Promises at 844.875.5609 to speak with our admissions team.

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