
Can You Lose Your Job for Smoking Legal Marijuana?

All around the United States, policies and public opinion surrounding marijuana are shifting. To date, 22 states allow medical marijuana use, six states have medical marijuana laws pending legislation, and two states, Washington and Colorado, have legalized it outright. However, this substance is still illegal according to federal law, and many employers in these states …

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Is Alcohol to Blame for High Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels?

Cholesterol and triglycerides are two forms of blood-borne fat that appear in the human circulatory system. People with too much LDL (“bad”) cholesterol or triglycerides in their bloodstreams can develop substantially increased risks for serious forms of heart disease. In a study published in December 2013 in the journal Alcohol, a team of Japanese researchers …

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Economic Downturn Linked to Increased Alcohol Consumption

Substance abuse is rooted in both biological and environmental causes. While genetics play a clear role, not everyone with a specific genetic makeup will develop a dependence. Likewise, not everyone with another risk factor, such as a romantic partner that drinks heavily, will also develop an alcohol-related problem. Often a combination of both a genetic …

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Study Underscores Similarities Between Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder

Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are two mental health conditions known for the disruptive, dysfunctional changes they can make in everyday human behavior. Mental health professionals view these two conditions as distinct from one another, and the American Psychiatric Association officially places them in separate categories of mental illness. However, according to the authors of a …

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Pulses of Light Make Rodents Stop Drinking

Researchers have clearly established that a chemical dependence on alcohol occurs when repeated alcohol use changes the brain’s chemical requirements. However, they have never fully understood how alcohol exposure produces its characteristic alcoholism-related effects. In a study published in late 2013 in the journal Frontiers in Behavioral Science, researchers from several U.S. institutions explored the …

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Confessions of an Eating-Disordered Brain

A personal story about disordered eating and body dysmorphia that tells the details of these dangerous illnesses and how difficult it can be to overcome them. I was 15. A group of dancers had gathered together to celebrate a monumental performance. There were pizzas, chips, cupcakes, soda—not diet. We were lithe and limber, light as …

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Heavy Alcohol, Drug Use Shortening Lives of Mentally Ill

Washington University School of Medicine and the University of Southern California recently undertook the largest-ever survey of drug, alcohol and tobacco use among people with severe mental illnesses. They found that people with significant psychiatric problems are far more likely to use alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs. The survey, published recently in the online journal …

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Will Rebellious Teens Become Antisocial Adults?

It’s difficult to tell if a rebellious teen’s behavior is something she’ll grow out of. A new study provides evidence that teens with certain behaviors can go on to develop antisocial traits in adulthood. In most cases, adolescent rebellion is outgrown and teens will exhibit concern for others’ feelings, feel remorse for a wrong and …

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