Signs of Addiction

Sometimes people use a substance for a while yet remain unsure if they are addicted. Occasionally, when a doctor prescribes narcotic medication, you may worry about becoming addicted. Further, you may even be taking a prescription that isn’t yours. Other people may be doing recreational drugs, yet they’re not sure if they are addicted either. You may be wondering what the signs of addiction are? It’s important to understand the various signs of addiction should they apply to you, then you can seek the proper treatment. Let’s take a closer look at how addiction works.

How Does Addiction Work?

Addiction is a cyclic action that takes a person in a downward spiral. It usually begins with someone becoming tolerant to a drug, which means they no longer respond to the amount they were taking. As they increase the amount of the drug, their brain begins to change. The brain releases natural chemicals in response to drugs. These chemicals produce a euphoria in you, which creates a sense of well-being and happiness. However, because the drugs have activated the reward center of the brain, you are left craving that experience again when the drug wears off.

Signs of Addiction

Now that you understand how addiction works, some signs of addiction are as follows:

  • Craving the drug several hours after the last dose wears off
  • Experiencing discomfort after you haven’t had the drug for a while
  • Being consumed with thoughts of getting more of the drug
  • Trying to hide the fact that you are taking the drug
  • Feeling embarrassed or guilty about your drug use
  • Taking the drug without a prescription, or taking more than prescribed if you have the prescription

If you have any of the signs of addiction, you can find hope by seeking treatment at a detox rehab center.

Seek Treatment With Promises

At Promises Treatment Center, we are ready to help you make the journey to a happy future. We will work closely with you in whatever capacity you need to ensure you reach your goals for sobriety. If you need residential inpatient care, then we will provide the 24/7 care necessary. If you need medical detox, we have that program available, as well. Our mission is to make sure you have a healthy and sober future. Therefore, we offer several treatment programs, including:

Our highly trained staff can help those struggling with a variety of drug addiction problems. Also, they have a caring and compassionate heart to do the work before them. Don’t let addiction hinder your peace of mind. You can overcome the drug problems that are holding you back. The future is yours. Now that you know the signs of addiction to watch out for, you can seek treatment at a healing rehab center. Contact us today at 844.875.5609, and we’ll get you started on the journey to a better life.

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