Sober New Years

New Year’s Eve is a time of celebration with friends and family. If you’re committing not to drink this year, then it can also be a challenging time. Just about everywhere you go, there is alcohol present during this festive occasion. Navigating the evening can be difficult. However, it is possible to have a sober New Year’s. With a little preparation, you can avoid the pitfalls that often lead to a relapse. Do you need a few strategies for staying clean this New Year’s Eve? Then read our quick guide below.

For a Sober New Year’s Know Your Triggers

Triggers are emotions, situations, interactions, places, people, or events that make you want to drink. While some triggers are overt, others may be subversive and not so obvious. It is important to understand your triggers so that you know how to react when they occur. Common triggers during New Year’s New include stress, parties, loneliness, being around a certain crowd, or entering a place where alcohol is present. Many of these triggers occur back-to-back. So, if you’re going to stay clean this holiday, identify your triggers and avoid them.

Have an Escape Plan

What happens if someone drives you to a party, and you need to escape quickly but have no way out? Celebrating a sober New Year’s means staying in control. Therefore, you need to have an escape plan that allows you to avoid certain situations. The best way to maintain control is to provide your own transportation. This way, you can leave an event without inconveniencing someone else. You may also want to set up a Lyft or Uber account to catch a ride if you don’t have your own transportation.

Reach Out to Your Support System

Anyone in recovery has a built-in support system that helps them stay on track. A support network may include a 12-step program, therapist, mentor, friend, or a member of the family. These are people that you call when you get tempted to drink. Who can you call on New Year’s Eve if you think you may relapse? Make sure you have names and numbers of people that are willing to provide you with support and encouragement. These people may just save your life.

Find Fun Alternatives to Drinking

You can either host or attend alcohol-free events that help you celebrate a sober New Year’s. Host a dance party, get out of town on a weekend excursion, attend a support group party, or host a game night. There are plenty of fun alternatives to drinking. Get some of your non-drinking friends together and plan something that helps you avoid temptation. Remember, drinking does not have to be the central them of a party. For most people, it’s just being surrounded by friends and family. So, focus on celebrating with others who don’t have to drink.

Celebrate Sober New Years with Promises P.A.T.H

At Promises P.A.T.H, we are dedicated to helping people overcome their addiction to drugs or alcohol. We offer a comprehensive treatment plan for substance abuse, including:

If you need help with your addiction and celebrating holidays to their fullest, such as having a sober New Years then contact us today at 844.875.5609.

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