Girl looking out window contemplating the question does cocaine make you lose weight

Cocaine and Weight Loss

Does cocaine make you lose weight? Though there’s a connection between cocaine and weight loss, especially during the initial use period, it may cause individuals to gain weight over time. Additionally, cocaine use carries severe physical and mental health risks, and the longer a person takes cocaine, the more likely they are to become addicted.

If you or someone you love has a cocaine use disorder, don’t wait to get help. The cocaine rehab center at Promises Behavioral Health provides compassionate and comprehensive care to clients from all walks of life. Our treatment specialists teach individuals how to live free from the bonds of addiction. Call 844.875.5609 today to begin the journey toward sobriety.

Does Cocaine Make You Lose Weight?

The widespread assumption is that cocaine suppresses one’s appetite and contributes to weight loss. However, new evidence challenges this belief. Cocaine use can cause a delay in food intake, as individuals who take the drug may initially have less interest in eating as usual. In some people, this may lead to short-term weight loss. 

However, once the effects of cocaine start to wear off, individuals may experience a compensatory eating period. Their appetites may suddenly increase while sobering up, causing them to snack between meals or overeat, contributing to weight gain. Cocaine users may also show less restraint over their diets and have a greater tendency to reach for fatty, high-calorie foods that tend to cause weight gain.

Furthermore, if a person with a cocaine use disorder goes through withdrawal, they may gain weight rapidly. Generally, this occurs due to impulse control issues, causing individuals to overeat or snack more frequently to self-soothe feelings of anxiety, depression, or intense drug cravings while cocaine leaves their system.

The Science Behind Cocaine and Weight Loss

Despite beliefs about cocaine and weight loss, the drug can cause those who use it to gain extra pounds. At the same time, in some individuals, cocaine may prevent weight gain without causing any significant reduction in body weight.

Studies show that an imbalance between fat intake and storage may explain why some individuals gain weight when they stop using cocaine. However, regular cocaine use can disrupt metabolic processes and reduce body fat, resulting in weight loss.

Researchers studied leptin in individuals with cocaine dependency. Leptin is a hormone that regulates appetite and energy expenditure, which is vital for weight management. The cocaine-dependent group members had less leptin in their bloodstream, making them more likely to shed pounds while under the influence of the drug. 

Additionally, researchers studied cocaine users who eat high-fat diets. Though they expected to see an increase in body weight in these individuals, those who were cocaine dependent had less body mass than the control group. 

However, this does not prove that cocaine is an appetite suppressant. Instead, researchers believe prolonged use reduces fat storage in some individuals, preventing them from gaining weight but not necessarily causing weight loss. 

Turn to the Cocaine Rehab Center at Promises

Using cocaine in an attempt to lose weight is unhealthy and potentially dangerous. If you experience addiction symptoms associated with cocaine use, Promises Behavioral Health is here to help. Our experienced, caring team of professionals provides compassionate and individualized care so clients can recover in a safe, healthy environment. 

At Promises Behavioral Health, our cocaine rehab center provides a supportive atmosphere full of hope and healing – where people can rediscover their true selves and reconnect with others who have gone through similar struggles. Don’t wait any longer – reach out to us now at 844.875.5609 or fill out our online form. We’ll help you start your journey toward a life free from cocaine addiction.

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