What is Dual Diagnosis?

Co-occurring disorders are common in drug or alcohol addiction. Often, a person who has severe anxiety or depression is more likely to self-medicate by turning to alcohol or drugs to ease the symptoms. As such, both conditions can turn into a disorder if left untreated. Furthermore, they can feed into each other and intensify the associated symptoms. Therefore, dual diagnosis is a form of treatment in which a therapist identifies the related disorders and provides a treatment plan for the client. Dual diagnosis seeks to explore the underlying causes of addiction so that the client can receive adequate level treatment for long-term recovery.

Mental Disorders Associated with Addiction

Both addiction and mental disorders form a symbiotic relationship. The disorder may trigger substance abuse, which leads to dependency on alcohol or drugs. Also, addiction may intensify the symptoms of mental disorder. Together, they create a downward spiral that can affect all areas of a person’s life. Common mental health issues associated with addiction include:

  • ADHD
  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Depression
  • PTSD

A person can suffer from a mental disorder long after they address their addiction. For this reason, it is more beneficial to treat both conditions through dual diagnosis. But if the addiction is treated and the mental disorder is ignored, relapse is likely to occur.

Symptoms of Co-Occurring Disorders

Identifying a mental disorder can be difficult when someone has an addiction to drugs or alcohol. The symptoms of a mental disorder are often attributed to addiction. People may think that a person is acting the way they do because they drink or take drugs. As such, the focus is often on changing behavior and not dealing with real problems. Regardless, addressing the addiction may be a first step in discovering the mental health issue. For example, some of the most common symptoms of co-occurring disorders include:

  • Changes in behavior, sleep, or appetite
  • Drastic mood changes that are often unpredictable
  • Frequent obsession with the substance
  • Severe anxiety or depression
  • Neglecting responsibilities at home or work
  • Denial or refusing to address the problems

When a person has co-occurring disorders, it is vital that they receive the proper care from a treatment center in Texas. Because through dual diagnosis, a treatment specialist can provide a thorough assessment and administer the right care.

What Is Dual Diagnosis? Contact Promises P.A.T.H to Learn More

What is dual diagnosis? Find out more at Promises P.A.T.H. We offer complete treatment for co-occurring disorders. Thus, our dual diagnosis treatment center in Texas provides everything you need to overcome your addiction and manage your mental disorder. To get started, call us at 844.875.5609. We can answer our questions and discuss your treatment options today.

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