Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment Program

woman sitting on couch discusses a borderline personality disorder treatment programBorderline personality disorder is a condition that involves unstable relationships and inaccurate self-image. When someone has this condition, they may struggle to regulate their feelings. By getting a diagnosis, individuals can get help in a borderline personality disorder treatment program. Before long, they can get started on a healthier, happier lifestyle.

A mental health treatment center can provide the support and resources needed for individuals to succeed in their borderline personality disorder treatment program. Reach out to Promises Behavioral Health at 844.875.5609 today to learn more about our treatment centers around the country.

Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder

A borderline personality disorder may involve impulsive or risky behaviors as well as problems regulating emotions. Individuals often have difficulty maintaining relationships, but they hate being alone. Often, someone with this disorder will have frequent mood swings. They may suffer from anger, self-image problems, and a fear of abandonment.

Normally, someone starts to have symptoms of borderline personality disorder during early adulthood. While the condition is at its worst during this time, it seems to improve with age. Sometimes, people with this disorder will have suicidal behaviors or stress-related paranoia. They may also engage in risky behaviors like reckless driving, drug abuse, gambling, and unsafe sex.

Some of the signs of borderline personality disorder include:

Impulsive behaviors

Chronic feelings of emptiness or boredom

Unstable relationships

Self-image problems

Intense anger, fear, or sadness

Uncontrolled stress

If you or someone you know is exhibiting any of these symptoms, it’s important to get professional help from a borderline personality disorder treatment program.

What to Expect in a Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment Program

Borderline personality disorder therapy can range from things like a therapeutic recreation program to medication. Treatment often starts with a detailed interview. A medical professional performs a health evaluation. The individual may also take a psychological evaluation or write out their medical history.

Once the individual has a diagnosis, the borderline personality disorder treatment program may use therapy to help individuals change their thoughts and habits. The individual may work on their impulsiveness by observing their feelings instead of acting on them. They may also learn interpersonal relationship skills.

Depending on the individual’s unique case, they may use therapies like dialectical behavior therapy or mentalization-based therapy. Schema therapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy are also popular options. Sometimes, doctors may prescribe medications like antipsychotics, mood-stabilizing drugs, or antidepressants.

While every borderline personality disorder treatment program is unique, most try to help individuals learn better ways to handle their emotions and stabilize relationships.

Borderline Personality Disorder and Substance Abuse

Sometimes, people with borderline personality disorder also struggle with substance abuse. If someone has both conditions, they may need dual diagnosis treatment to target both their mental health and addiction issues in one program. Dual diagnosis treatment is often personalized just for the individual’s needs.

Why do some people with borderline personality disorder also struggle with substance abuse? Often, individuals turn to drugs and alcohol as a way to cope with their feelings. Drugs and alcohol can make it easier to cope with intense emotions. However, these substances often make symptoms worse in the long run. Treatment that addresses both the borderline personality disorder and substance abuse can help people in recovery get their life back on track.

Getting Help for Borderline Personality Disorder at Promises Behavioral Health

At Promises Behavioral Health, we offer many different types of borderline personality disorder treatment programs at our nationwide centers. Our staff can provide medication management, trauma therapy, and motivational interviewing to help individuals cope with their symptoms. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you or a loved one start on their journey toward recovery and wellness.

Get help for borderline personality disorder today by calling Promises Behavioral Health at 844.875.5609 or by reaching out online. Our compassionate team is here to provide support and guidance as you embark on your journey of healing.

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