Woman displaying common addictive behaviors

7 Common Addictive Behaviors

It’s not just substances that can be addictive: there are also common addictive behaviors. 12-step support programs can be used for both behaviors and substances, but it’s important for you to identify your addictive behavior first. Then, you’ll want to know more about a behavioral addiction therapy program.

Here are some common examples of these types of behavior.

1. Gambling Addictions

Gambling is one of the most common addictions because it hits the “risk vs reward” sector of the brain. There are many driving forces with a gambling addiction. People feel that they could win, so they get excited. People feel desperate that they’ve lost, so they chase their losses. Gambling is extremely complex because it’s often used as an escape, especially for those who are anxious or depressed. The gambling addiction treatment center helps those who struggle with gambling.

2. Sex Addictions

Sex addictions can be problematic because they’re an extremely instinctive addictive behavior. Many people seek out sex when they feel nervous or anxious. There is an instinct that people have to seek sex when they are in danger, and anxiety can encourage this type of feeling. Sex addictions can also be caused by feeling of insecurity or inadequacy, as a way of controlling one’s fate, or just as a way to release endorphins.

Since sex does release endorphins, people who experience depression may seek out a sex addiction, as a method of release. Sex addiction can damage interpersonal relationships as well as self-esteem. Don’t let sex addiction rule your life, sex addiction treatment centers provide confidential support.

3. Gaming Addictions

Gaming addictions are becoming more common today, as games become more ubiquitous. People use games for escapism, and many types of games trigger a feeling of accomplishment. People can become addicted to this sense of accomplishment, even though they aren’t actually accomplishing anything in real life. This is especially true for those who are depressed, or who are avoiding real-life responsibilities.

4. Internet Addictions

Today, many people are constantly on their laptops and smartphones. But this is also a necessity for a lot of people. Internet addictions are, like gaming, escapism. But the real problem is that it’s impossible to avoid the internet. People need the internet because of their jobs, so they can’t go through complete abstinence. Social media addiction is closely linked.

Those who are fighting internet-related addictive behaviors may need to fight for moderation and may need to do this by limiting their screen time, or through blocking recreational sites.

5. Shopping Addictions

People tend to spend money aggressively when they are unsatisfied with other areas of their lives. People with shopping addictions can end up wildly in debt because they can’t manage their spending. They feel a sense of accomplishment when they purchase things they want, and this can fill a void in other areas of their life. Shopping addictions are often secretive and can lead to serious financial difficulties. The rise of online shopping creates an even larger outlet for addiction.

Many people feel excited when they make a major purchase, especially if they are otherwise unhappy with their lives. Buying something can make someone feel better than “earning” something because the gratification is instant.

6. Food Addictions

Eating immediately produces a feeling of reward. Not only is eating inherently rewarding, but it’s extremely accessible, as many of these other addictive behaviors. People often find themselves eating to distract themselves, or eating for comfort. Food addictions can start at a very young age. People start associating food with a sense of comfort and love early on, as their parents feed them. Food addictions are incredibly difficult to manage because it’s impossible to avoid food completely. It takes a lot of work to create a healthier relationship.

7. Stealing Addictions

Otherwise, known as kleptomania, a stealing addiction usually originates through a desired sense of control and power. People can become addicted to the thrill of stealing something and may feel like they’ve gained some measure of control over their lives. This is exceptionally dangerous because it’s also illegal: It’s easy for someone to lose control and get arrested due to their kleptomania. It can also be alienating to family and friends.

Treatment for Common Addictive Behaviors

Though these addictive behaviors have a lot in common, any behavior can become addictive.

Common addictive behaviors often require a comprehensive approach to treatment. Treatment typically includes counseling, support groups, and medication. Counseling can help you understand the causes of your addiction and develop strategies for coping with it. Support groups provide an important source of strength and understanding for people who have faced similar struggles. Medication may also be used to address any underlying mental health conditions or to reduce cravings. If you’re struggling with an addiction, seek professional help and explore the different treatment options available. With the right support and resources, recovery is possible.

No matter what type of common addictive behavior you’re dealing with, it’s important to remember that you are not alone. There are many people out there who are willing to help and support you on your journey. Don’t be afraid to reach out for the help that you need. You can find reputable treatment centers such as Promises Behavioral Health, support groups, and other resources in your area. With the right tools and guidance, you can take back control of your life from addiction.

If you want to learn more about addiction, or if you fear that you could be addicted, contact the experts at Promises Behavioral Health. Call 844.875.5609 or reach out online for individualized addiction treatment plans.

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