Man asking himself, "What is a narcissistic sociopath?"

What is a Narcissistic Sociopath?

The term “narcissistic sociopath” is often used to describe people with a certain set of personality traits. But what is a narcissistic sociopath, and what can be done if you or someone you love shows these tendencies? At Promises, our narcissistic personality disorder treatment has all the tools you need to improve your mental health.  

Reach out today by calling 844.875.5609 for more information. 

Sociopathy vs. Narcissism 

Understanding the distinctions between sociopathy vs. narcissism is the first step in grasping what is meant when someone is labeled a narcissistic sociopath. These two terms have distinct meanings and are often used in isolation but can often appear to have significant overlap. 


Sociopathy is not a specific psychiatric diagnosis but a term used to describe people with antisocial personality disorder (APD). APD is a mental health condition that describes people who have little to no regard for right and wrong and often ignore social or cultural norms, the feelings of others, or the law. 

People with antisocial personality disorder may intentionally manipulate others to get their way. They can be cruel or aggressive and often have no sense of guilt or remorse for their actions. As a result, they frequently run into difficulties with the law, personal relationships, or their work or academic life. 

People with antisocial personality disorder are often described as having no empathy. They experience a rich emotional life but focus far more on their own emotions than the emotions of others.  

However, a lack of empathy does not mean they don’t understand the feelings of others; instead, it frequently means that they use the emotions of others for their own personal gain. 


The term “narcissism” describes people with high opinions of themselves or their appearance. But while the term narcissism is often used casually, a narcissistic personality disorder is a serious mental health condition that can have catastrophic effects on a person’s life. 

People with narcissistic personality disorder show a common pattern of behavior and symptoms, including: 

  • Greatly aggrandized perceptions of themselves 
  • Extreme outward confidence 
  • Feeling like they deserve or require special treatment or privileges 
  • An expectation that others perceive them as superior or accomplished, even without significant achievements 
  • Arrogance 
  • Secret feelings of insecurity 
  • Visceral emotional reactions to perceived slights or criticism 

People with narcissistic personality disorder will often struggle to maintain personal or professional relationships as a result of their disorder. They can be so preoccupied with themselves that they ignore the needs or wants of others, and they can be hard to be around as a result. 

What Is a Narcissistic Sociopath? 

A narcissistic sociopath, then, is a person who shows symptoms of both narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder. They experience both an aggrandized sense of self and a lack of regard for others. As a result, this can cause several problems for themselves and the people around them. 

People with this combination of personality disorders will often hurt others for personal gain, disregard the feelings of others for the betterment of themselves, and have a sense of superiority over everybody around them.  

They frequently run into trouble with law enforcement as a result and may need professional help in order to recover from their symptoms. 

Treatment for Narcissistic Sociopathy at Promises 

Both narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder are lifelong conditions. However, seeking treatment at a specialized mental health facility can help people to live healthier lives, control their symptoms, and stop hurting the people around them. 

At Promises, our program for narcissistic personality disorder treatment and antisocial personality disorder treatment can help you accomplish these goals in your recovery. Call our team today at 844.875.5609 to learn more about the treatment options available and start living a better life.

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