Bipolar Disorder in Men

By: Heather Rolland Bipolar disorder is a serious medical condition requiring treatment. Whether the best option for you is a men’s treatment center, an outpatient clinic, or a combination of psychotherapy, self-help groups, and medication management, treatment is key. There are two types of bipolar disorder: Bipolar I and II. In Bipolar I, manic episodes are more severe and prolonged. People who suffer from Bipolar II experience depressive episodes that are more severe and alternate with hypomanic, not full blown manic, episodes. Both are serious but treatable conditions. If either type of episode is sufficiently severe, inpatient care may be recommended. Psychiatric hospitals or men’s treatment centers can be used to gain emotional and behavioral stability. Studies have shown that while both men and women tend to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder in roughly equal numbers, women tend to report more depressive episodes while men report more manic phases. Some differences between how men and women experience bipolar disorder include

  • Men tend to be diagnosed younger than women, sometimes during childhood or teenage years.
  • Men tend to act out during manic episodes, becoming behaviorally unstable in public – such as yelling at strangers, or becoming violent. Thus, men tend to come to the attention of treatment providers via law enforcement more often than women.
  • The statistics regarding suicide indicate that men are at greater risk overall than women. Men with bipolar disorder are more likely to commit suicide than women suffering from these disorder. Women diagnosed with bipolar disorder, however, tend to have more suicide attempts than men.

Treatment Works

Most professionals recommend a holistic approach to the treatment of bipolar disorder, for both men and women. Holistic, in this context, means treating the whole person – not simply the brain chemistry. An approach that helps you adjust to taking medications, managing any side effects, while maintaining your home and family life, your career, and maybe even developing some hobbies and interests is an approach destined for success. You may find that the inpatient approach at a men’s treatment center is just what you need to check off all these boxes!   Sources:

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