young woman sits on couch with her hand on her mouth wondering to i have a dependent personality disorder

Do I Have a Dependent Personality Disorder?

Others frequently tell you that you’re clingy. You recognize that your fear of having others leave you is out of the ordinary. It causes you to wonder, “Do I have a dependent personality disorder?” Will you need residential treatment for dependent personality disorder? Here’s what you need to know.

Do I Have a Dependent Personality Disorder If I Constantly Need Others to Take Care of Me?

Fear of abandonment is a primary symptom of the condition. You might also have a challenging time when it comes to criticism by others. It feeds an innate sense of self-doubt. You may mistakenly believe that you’re worthless, which redoubles your fears of having others abandon you.

That’s why you may cling to people who’re important to you. You subconsciously signal your need for their care and attention. You may do so by deferring to others when it comes time to make decisions. Frequently, you feel anxious about life, the future, and your relationships.

Is a Lack of Self-Confidence Hurting You?

You might ask, “Do I have a dependent personality disorder if I constantly doubt myself?” This question frequently comes on the heels of, “Do I have a dependent personality disorder if I can’t function alone?” The fear of being alone may make you anxious. It leads to your willingness to accept bad treatment by others.

There’s a Treatment for DPD

Residential treatment for dependent personality disorder empowers you to step back and evaluate your life. Good-quality therapy centers help you deal not just with the condition but also its byproducts. For example, did you know that DPD frequently combines with depression or anxiety – sometimes both? Therapies include:

What Happens if You Don’t Get Help?

There’s a good chance that you’re thinking of seeking help because someone else suggested it. Take their advice. Without treatment, the symptoms of DPD continue to unfold. You may push away the very people you love because of clingy behavior.

Besides that, your anxiety and depression continue to worsen. Some people will begin abusing drugs or alcohol to self-medicate. This behavior may lead to chemical dependency, which further alienates you from those you want to keep close.

It may also compel you to accept worsening behaviors from those around you. As you seek out a new relationship, you lower the bar. This may result in mental and physical abuse by those around you.

However, this does not have to describe your life’s trajectory. If you wonder, “Do I have a dependent personality disorder?”, there’s help. At Promises Behavioral Health, caring therapists routinely work with good people like you. Find out more about treatment and healing by calling 844.875.5609 now.

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