people in group therapy discuss the benefits of therapy away from home

Are There Benefits of Therapy Away from Home?

Drug and alcohol addiction often involves complications, including worsening mental health. Without effective treatment, continued substance abuse can lead to lifelong negative consequences. If you’re anxious about treatment because you’re surrounded by triggers, therapy away from home may be a better option for you. Some people find a number of benefits in getting a fresh start in a new location.

Inpatient depression treatment and inpatient anxiety treatment can help you break free from the cycle of addiction and get on the road to recovery. Many people find that getting away from their home environment is helpful in early recovery. It can give you some distance from triggers and allow you to focus on your treatment without distractions.

Why Mental Health Treatment Away from Home?

Everyone is different, and their treatment plans can be, too. While some people love the comfort and familiarity of nearby therapy, others want to get away from it all. They may find the most benefit in seeking an inpatient anxiety disorder treatment center away from home.

Especially if your home environment is full of triggers, getting away from it all may help you stay on track with your sobriety goals. It can be difficult to stay away from drugs and alcohol when they’re all around you. If your home is full of reminders of your substance abuse, it may be best to get away for a while.

The Benefits of Getting Therapy for Mental Health or Substance Use Issues Away from Home

It doesn’t matter if you’re dealing solely with depression or anxiety or only with substance dependency. Any of those is a serious issue that requires effective treatment.

If the idea of therapy away from home appeals to you, it offers benefits such as:

  • Putting distance between you and your triggers – If your home is full of reminders of your substance abuse, it may be best to get away for a while
  • Getting away from negative and toxic influences in your life – If you have toxic people in your life who enable your substance abuse, getting away from them can be beneficial
  • Giving you a fresh start and a sense of a new beginning – If you’re feeling stuck in your life, getting away from it all can help you reset
  • Placing you in a sober environment – If you’re surrounded by drugs and alcohol, it can be difficult to stay away from them, but if you’re in a facility that’s focused on sobriety, it can be easier to resist temptation

For many people who need addiction or mental health therapy, just being in a different environment puts them in a better mindset for recovery. They’re no longer surrounded by negative people or facing daily stressors that make them want to use. They can get the strong foundation they need for recovery, giving them a better chance of staying sober for the long term.

Life-Changing Treatment Just for You at Promises Behavioral Health

Are you ready to turn your life around? Promises Behavioral Health has addiction treatment centers throughout the country. You can receive inpatient care or therapy away from home if that suits you better. What matters most is that you seek treatment designed to help you overcome drug and alcohol addiction and begin a new chapter of your life.

Other programs we offer include:

Addiction can have devastating effects on you and your family. With various kinds of treatment, however, you can leave all of that behind. Getting treatment away from home can help you get away from triggers so you can focus on nothing but your recovery. Call us today at 844.875.5609 and we’ll start you on a path to a healthier, sober future.

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