Partial Hospitalization for Addiction Treatment

Although addiction is a chronic disease, it’s possible to learn how to manage your symptoms to achieve recovery. Programs like partial hospitalization for addiction treatment ensure that you have the support and guidance necessary to learn how to cope with cravings and triggers. In 2013, 24.6 million Americans, or nearly 10% of the population, used illicit substances at least once a month. The most commonly used illegal drug in the United States is marijuana, with marijuana accounting for more than 80% of all illicit drug use in the country. Another 26% of Americans regularly binge drink, demonstrating how common psychoactive substances are. Unfortunately, all psychoactive substances, including marijuana and alcohol, are prone to abuse. Substances like prescription opiates, heroin, and cocaine can cause physical and psychological dependency. There is no known cause for addiction, meaning that anyone who uses a psychoactive substance can ultimately develop a substance abuse disorder.

The Stages of Addiction

Addiction is a progressive mental health disease that causes significant changes to your brain chemistry, impairs judgment, and impacts your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. During addiction, you continue to compulsively abuse your substance of choice, even if it causes major problems in your life. You can continue to abuse your substance of choice even if you want to quit, as addiction alters your brain’s pleasure and reward center. Your brain associates your substance of choice with pleasure because every time you use, your brain releases a surplus of pleasurable neurotransmitters that induce positive thoughts and feelings. Long-term use can result in your brain becoming incapable of releasing neurotransmitters without your substance of choice. Many substances can also cause physical dependency. Some of the most commonly abused substances that lead to physical dependency include:

  • Heroin, OxyContin, Fentanyl, and Vicodin
  • Alcohol
  • Methamphetamine
  • Benzodiazepines, such as Xanax and Klonopin
  • Amphetamines

As addiction progresses, your substance of choice becomes an increasingly more important part of your life. This can cause you to neglect your personal, social, and professional responsibilities. Because your tolerance increases the longer your abuse your substance of choice, you need to continue using more to achieve the same effects of intoxication, which can lead to financial problems.

Partial Hospitalization for Addiction Treatment

Cravings and triggers make it difficult to stop using without help. Because your brain associates people, places, and things that remind you of your substance of choice with pleasure, every time you’re exposed to triggers you experience intense cravings. Partial hospitalization for addiction treatment uses evidence-based and holistic therapies to provide you with healthy coping skills so you can maintain sobriety. Partial hospitalization for addiction treatment is the highest level of outpatient care offered for substance abuse disorders. Most partial hospitalization for addiction treatment programs meet for at least 5 days a week for at least 6 hours. Programs can offer medication-assisted detox, individual therapy program and marital counseling, and dual diagnosis treatment. Evidence-based treatments focus on helping you learn how to improve your communication and problem-solving skills and repair damaged relationships. You’ll also learn how to change negative thinking patterns and behaviors, which can improve your ability to handle cravings and triggers. Holistic therapies, which treat your body, mind, and spirit, create effective ways to cope with stress, anxiety, and depression. Things like deep breathing and meditation can reduce stress and improve cognition, which makes them useful in coping with triggers during recovery.

Finding Help Today

Struggling with an addiction can make your life feel out of control. Addiction can damage your health, relationships, and finances, making it hard to live a healthy and stable life. If you or a loved one is struggling with a substance abuse problem, contact us today at 844.875.5609 to find out more about partial hospitalization for addiction treatment and your recovery options.

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