a person stares at his phone as his hands are bound by porn addiction, which lharms teens marriages and real life encounters

Porn Addiction Harms Teens, Marriages, and Real-Life Encounters

Heavy or compulsive use of pornography can have serious consequences for some consumers. Not only does pornography have real addiction potential, but heavy consumption of pornographic materials can disrupt lives in other ways. Porn addiction harms teens, marriages, and real-life encounters. While not all of the very high percentage of people who view porn on a regular or occasional basis will suffer consequences, those who are heavy users should beware of the potential downsides of this controversial habit.

Addiction Risk for Young Teens and Preteens  

A recent study by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children found that one-tenth of adolescents aged 12-13 were worried that they had become addicted to pornography. While very troubling, this figure is not necessarily surprising. Porn is not much more difficult for teens to access than adults. Legal age restrictions make it more difficult for teens to acquire commonly abused substances like cigarettes and alcohol, but there are no similar mechanisms (or at least, none that are successfully enforced) in place to protect young people from Internet pornography. Much of the porn that is available via the Internet is not only unrestricted but free, making it extremely easy for people of any age to access unless parental controls are put in place.

Porn May Be a Factor in More Than Half of Divorce Cases

There is evidence that pornography plays a role in a significant number of divorces. Dr. Jill Manning testified before the U.S. Senate that 56% of divorce cases, according to her research, involve compulsive pornography use. A study by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers found that heavy porn use was a factor in half of divorce cases. At the same time, the Internet in general was cited in a whopping two-thirds of divorces. While this does not mean that pornography has single-handedly led to thousands of divorces, it does suggest that it is an extremely disruptive element in many relationships.

Most People Disapprove of Porn, But Also Consume It

Despite the fact that porn appears to be such a disruptive force for a huge number of relationships, many people are ashamed of admitting that they have a problem with their partners’ porn use. There are fears that even their friends and families will see them as being insecure or overly judgmental. The 2014 edition of an ongoing Gallup poll on various moral issues found that a large majority of Americans considered pornography morally unacceptable. Nonetheless, a certain amount of shame also seems to plague people who are unable to tolerate a partner’s porn use, perhaps because pornography is so very widely used, in varying amounts, in spite of such widespread disapproval.

Porn Use Can Desensitize Users to Milder Content or Real-Life Encounters

People who are habitual or compulsive porn consumers become steadily desensitized to familiar content, and eventually to real sex. They have to search for more extreme material in order to achieve arousal and orgasm, and men who are heavy porn users often find that they cannot achieve an erection or reach ejaculation during real-life sexual encounters. The instant gratification and extreme fantasy fulfillment that pornography offers make it very difficult for real-life encounters and non-porn-star partners, to provide the same level of excitement.

Get Treatment Today

You know that porn addiction harms teens, marriages, and real-life encounters. What now? If you struggle with an addiction to porn or sex, it is time to seek treatment. At Promises, we offer a variety of therapies to treat these addictions, including:

To learn more about how porn addiction harms teens, marriages, and real-life encounters, call 844.875.5609 today.

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