Use of Party Drug ‘Molly’ Increases With Summer Heat

Summertime and hard partying often go hand-in-hand.  And across the country, Molly, a form of the drug ecstasy, is becoming popular among high school students and younger crowds. The warmer weather in particular seems to be a draw for Molly’s users who typically range in age from 16 to 21. Authorities in Central California confirm that demand for Molly, the powdered or crystal variety of ecstasy, peaks at certain times throughout the year — particularly summertime. One dealer says that usage is also tied to concerts and holidays, including Halloween and New Year’s Eve. While Molly’s name may sound innocent enough, the drug is quite dangerous, particularly for teens who are still undergoing tremendous growth and development. Large doses of the drug have landed many in the emergency room. Molly has been known to disrupt body temperature regulation, which can lead to profuse sweating and serious dehydration. Perhaps the biggest threat of indulging in the drug is that its users really have no idea what  might be in it. Molly is created in various labs and may be laced with other drugs such as meth and cocaine. While Molly is touted as “pure,” that couldn’t be further from the truth. The ecstasy derivative is often mixed with other drugs, which can be both harmful and addictive. Miley Cyrus Admits to Singing About Molly on ‘We Can’t Stop’ Adolescents use Molly because like most drugs, the short term effects make them feel good. One teen in Central California was charged with distribution and advised that music helps pave the way for his sales. Rap music in particular has boosted the drug’s popularity. In the Central Valley where Molly is regularly used by young adults at parties and concerts, there’s barely a second thought about using it on a regular basis. The aforementioned drug dealer says his customers are other high school pupils who are looking for a good time. He claims to have sold quantities in the hundreds. The signs of Molly are telltale according to Fresno County Sheriff’s Lt. Rick Ko. Symptoms include teeth grinding and excessive sweating. Police advise that many young teens consume Molly in the form of a ring pop or sucker, but the drug can also be purchased in capsules or powder. The powder is said to smell musty and carry an odor similar to burnt hair, while the capsules reek of black licorice. Other than the fact that it is sold by peers, one reason for Molly’s popularity among high school students is most certainly its low cost. For about the same price as going to the movies, teens can get high. One dose is said to cost $10 to $15. However, authorities warn that Molly’s high is not worth the risk. While long-term side effects may still be unknown, aside from addiction, many users experience feelings of listlessness and deep depression.

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