a woman at group therapy wonders will i need extended rehab care

Will I Need Extended Rehab Care?

The key to successful substance abuse treatment is that the program must be tailored to suit your particular needs. For that reason, there is no way to answer the question: will I need extended rehab care until you have undergone a comprehensive assessment by a trained addiction counselor.

6 Benefits Of Extended Rehab Care

However, in general, the longer you can stay in rehab, the better off you’ll be. As a result, the best answer to the question: will I need extended rehab care is yes. There are a number of benefits to choosing extended rehab care including the following:

1. Increased chance of success

Studies have shown that the longer you are in rehab, the better the chances of success you’ll have.

2. Provides focus

Extended rehab provides you with the opportunity to focus on your recovery. You won’t have to worry about navigating the real world as a sober person as quickly.

3. Comprehensive care

While every rehab program is different, there tend to be some common elements found among them. For example, many extended rehabs combine life skills training, group therapy, and vocational training.

4. Consistency is key

It’s one thing to work with a therapist when developing strategies and coping skills aimed at preventing relapse. It’s another thing altogether to put those things you’ve learned in action. By attending an extended rehab, you’ll have more opportunities to practice these valuable skills.

5. Build connections

During group therapy, you’ll be able to build connections with others who have gone through, or who are currently going through, the same struggles that you are. Having someone that understands firsthand the struggles that you face can be a very validating process.

6. Mentoring opportunities

Whether you are seeking a mentor or you want to be able to mentor someone else, both types of relationships can assist you in your recovery. If you are being mentored, you might learn new ways to help you stay sober, for example. The mentor role can provide you with the motivation to resist temptations because you don’t want to disappoint others.

Will I Need Extended Rehab Care?

How do you know if you are a good candidate for extended rehab care? As noted above, in general, everyone can benefit from rehab care that is longer rather than shorter. However, there are several factors that make extended rehab care an especially good idea. These include:

  • Co-occurring mental health disorders
  • High risk of severe withdrawal symptoms
  • Unhealthy unsupportive, or unstable environment at home
  • Other medical conditions that might make recovery challenging
  • Previous lack of success in addiction care programs that were outpatient or shorter in length

Types Of Extended Rehab Care

There are numerous types of extended rehab care. Not every kind will be a good fit for a particular person. It’s important to speak to a trained addiction specialist who can provide you with the guidance and recommendations you need to recover.

The following are just a few examples of the many different types of extended rehab care:

  • Outpatient therapy program
  • Support group meetings, such as 12-step programs
  • Sober living communities
  • Medication management treatment
  • Residential rehab

Are you still wondering about the question: will I need extended rehab care? If so, we at Promises Behavioral Health can help! Contact one of our compassionate professionals today at 844.875.5609 to learn more about our services including:

  • Individualized treatment programs
  • Equine-assisted psychotherapy
  • EMDR therapy program
  • Craniosacral therapy program
  • Art therapy program
  • Acupuncture therapy program
  • Cognitive processing therapy program

With the individualized treatment programs that Promises Behavioral Health provides, you’ll conquer your addiction today for a better future tomorrow.

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