Best Financial Resources After Addiction Treatment

Addiction can be an expensive problem to endure and overcome. As well as the cost of substance abuse treatment itself, spending increasing amounts of money on drugs, alcohol or gambling have surely made a big dent in your personal finances. Throw in the possibility that you lost your job during the course of your addiction and recovery and it’s clear that finding reliable financial resources to help with continuing care after your addiction treatment is essential. So if you’re coming out of substance abuse treatment soon, learning about different sources of financial advice is a sensible first step to ensuring you can support yourself when you leave treatment.

Aftercare Services, Sober Residences and Alumni Programs

The first and most important financial resources after addiction treatment are the various services likely to be offered by your substance abuse treatment program itself. Many treatment programs include aftercare, which is designed to help you transition from being in treatment to living independently again. This usually encompasses financial advice, as well as equally important advice on finding work, getting into an education program and finding somewhere affordable to live. The Alumni Program at Promises involves weekly meetings with people who’ve been through the main phase of recovery and are going through the same challenges you are. This also encompasses personal follow-up support, which can include basic financial advice, or, at the very least, point you in the right direction to find financial support. This combination of people having similar experiences and experts who’ve helped many people through the same problem makes it one of the best financial resources after substance abuse treatment. Many addiction rehab centers are also linked to sober residences, which provide a shared, affordable and drug-free place to live, and are usually coupled with useful services such as life coaching or other aftercare services.

12-Step Groups

Although aftercare programs and alumni programs provide a lot of the same benefits (and usually more), it’s worth pointing out that even your 12-step group can be a valuable source of financial guidance. As with alumni programs, people attending 12-step meetings have been through many challenges and can offer useful, practical advice based on their experiences.

Financial Guidance Counselors

Financial guidance counselors offer tailored financial advice to help you regain control of your finances. Their help is often available for free or for minimal cost. They can offer practical advice for overcoming debt and improving your personal finances. Your substance abuse treatment program’s aftercare service or family counselors may be able to put you in contact with a counselor. You may also want to contact the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (see Resources), a nonprofit with over 600 offices across 50 states and Puerto Rico.

In-Depth Guides for People Recovering From Gambling Addiction

Although all people struggling with addiction can run into financial problems as a result, if you were addicted to gambling, you’re especially likely to have financial issues after recovery. Many in-depth guides are available for free to help people in this situation, and they can be exceptionally useful even if you weren’t addicted to gambling. They cover budgeting, dealing with debt, tips on cutting your expenses and much more. See our Resources section for examples.

Scholarships for People Recovering From Addiction

If you’re looking to go into a different career after your experience in substance abuse treatment, there are many universities and other programs that can provide scholarships. The best known is Texas Tech University’s Collegiate Recovery Community, which offers scholarships to students with one continuous year of abstinence from drug, alcohol or process addictions, and who complete at least 12 hours credit with a grade-point average of 3.0 or better.

Improve Your Finances One Step at a Time

If you’ve ended up in a lot of debt after your substance abuse treatment, it’s important to understand that getting back on your feet financially can take a long time. However, if you make a plan for what you want to achieve — both in your finances and your career — the resources listed here can get you moving in the right direction.   Sources: “Personal Financial Strategies for the Loved Ones of Problem Gamblers” – National Endowment for Financial Education National Foundation for Credit Counseling “The Center for Collegiate Recovery Communities at Texas Tech University” – Texas Tech University

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