Man wondering what is the definition of a gateway drug

What Is the Definition of a Gateway Drug?

For decades, many educators, medical professionals, and addiction specialists have spoken of the theory of the gateway drug. The definition of a gateway drug is a drug that leads to use of more dangerous and addictive substances. Under this definition, marijuana, alcohol, and prescription medications are the most common substances labeled as gateway drugs.

As you explore the definition of a gateway drug, consider other factors that add to the potential for addiction. These factors influence people into substance abuse even more than any particular drug. They also play a big role in how you must approach recovery. Because of your own risk factors, you must learn how to stay clean and sober, such as through a marijuana addiction treatment program.

Definition of a Gateway Drug

The definition of a gateway drug is simple. But what are gateway drugs, specifically? Gateway drugs include alcohol, prescription medication, and marijuana.

These are not the only answers to, “What are starter drugs?” But these provide the most frequent gateways into other substance abuse. In essence, these three drugs take away the negative stigmas of using drugs for social reasons or to escape problems of everyday life.

When someone abuses alcohol, prescription medications or marijuana, they stop feeling as fearful of the potential harm of other substances. They also easily dismiss warnings to not risk their safety or well-being.

Although many people in medicine and addiction treatment believe in gateway drugs, these substances do not always lead to addiction. Other risk factors for substance abuse and dependence form that pathway. Addiction is a very individual disease and one not clearly mapped out for all people who sample drugs or alcohol.

Risk Factors for Substance Abuse and Addiction

Each human being experiences their own level of risk for substance abuse and addiction. Some people use drugs or alcohol without major risk for long-term substance abuse. Others heavily use these substances from time-to-time, but never experience addiction. Still, others fall quickly into the struggles of abuse and dependence.

So, what are gateway drugs in terms of your overall risk for addiction? Your individual pathway to drug or alcohol abuse and addiction forms on the risk factors in your life. But using gateway drugs when you experience multiple risk factors puts you at increased risk for long-term and addictive substance abuse. These risk factors include:

  • Genetic predisposition to addiction
  • Environment of acceptance of drug and alcohol use
  • Family history of addiction
  • Personal drug history
  • Pre-existing mental health problems
  • Social circle with frequent drug use
  • Your age at first drug or alcohol use

As you consider, “What are starter drugs,” also think about your personal risk factors for substance abuse and how these make you vulnerable. These risk factors also dictate the type of rehab treatment and therapies you need for true, lasting recovery.

Why You Need Addiction Treatment

Addiction treatment can help you to manage your addiction and learn healthy ways to cope with difficult situations. It may include counseling, medication, and support groups. Treatment helps you gain insight into the behavior that leads to or contributes to your addiction. This will enable you to make better decisions in the future and build a more positive lifestyle. Addiction treatment also helps you to gain control of your emotions and feelings, build self-esteem, learn to trust others, identify triggers for addiction behaviors, and develop healthy relationships.

Learning to recognize the signs of addiction is important in helping you know when it’s time to seek help. Signs of addiction include:

  • Cravings
  • Loss of control over drug or alcohol use
  • Taking higher or more frequent doses than intended
  • Making unsuccessful attempts to cut down or stop using
  • Spending excessive time and money buying or obtaining drugs
  • Neglecting responsibilities at home, school, or work

If you’re experiencing any of these signs, it’s important to seek help from reputable, licensed addiction treatment professionals. They can provide the guidance and support you need to overcome your addiction.

Break Out of Addiction and Into Recovery

To end your struggles with substance abuse and addiction, you need quality treatment that includes an array of therapies and programs, such as:

Promises Behavioral Health provides these programs according to your individual needs. People from throughout the United States achieve recovery at one of Promises Behavioral Health’s locations, just as you can achieve your own lasting recovery. Call Promises Behavioral Health today at 844.875.5609 or reach out online to learn more about the definition of a gateway drug and the available programs you need for freedom from your substance abuse.            

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