A man worrying about the symptoms of alcohol poisoning

What Are the Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning?

Everyone who drinks alcohol or goes out with friends who drink should know the symptoms of alcohol poisoning. People commonly drink too much, whether they misjudge their ability to handle alcohol or consume too many drinks too quickly. Understanding when alcohol consumption goes too far can save a life, even your own. 

If you or someone you love drinks too much alcohol or struggles with dependence on drinking, make sure you can recognize the signs of alcohol poisoning and you know where the nearest alcohol detox center is in your area. It would also be best to consider talking to a quality alcohol addiction treatment center. Call 844.875.5609 to speak with someone from Promises Behavioral Health about spotting alcohol poisoning symptoms and our alcohol detox and addiction treatment centers across the United States. 

Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning 

Signs of alcohol poisoning include physical and mental effects. These start with the well-known symptoms of drunkenness, such as reduced coordination and slurred speech. If the person consumes more alcohol in a short period, these effects lead to worse signs, such as: 

  • Unconsciousness or passing out 
  • Vomiting 
  • Seizures 
  • Slow breathing, or less than eight breaths a minute 
  • Irregular breathing, or 10 seconds or more between breaths 

Remember that alcohol poisoning is an alcohol overdose, and emergency assistance is essential if symptoms worsen. Alcohol poisoning symptoms like damp or clammy skin, extreme confusion, vomiting, seizures, and blue or very pale skin signal the need for medical attention. Also, watch for low body temperature, long pauses between breaths, slow heartbeat, or other physical changes. 

Alcohol poisoning symptoms can indicate a life-threatening condition. Some of the worst effects of this poisoning include severe dehydration, pulmonary aspiration, choking on vomit, brain damage, and coma. 

Alcohol Poisoning Risk Factors 

People most at risk for alcohol poisoning include the following: 

  • Young people and teens, who are more likely to engage in binge drinking 
  • Alcohol or heavy drinkers, whose bodies have adapted to large quantities of alcohol 
  • People who drink on an empty stomach, as it leads to faster intoxication 
  • Males, who statistically drink more than women
  • Middle-age adults who take prescription medications not realizing that the combination can be dangerous 
  • People drinking in an unfamiliar environment may not realize how much they are consuming

Other factors increasing the risk for alcohol overdose include weight, last food intake, drug use, and speed at which you consume your alcohol. Of course, how much you drink plays a significant role. 

It’s important to remember that anyone can suffer from alcohol poisoning, regardless of age or gender. Taking certain precautions can help reduce the risk. For example, avoiding high-risk behaviors such as binge drinking and being aware of the signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning can help prevent an overdose. Additionally, drinking in moderation and staying with friends who are aware of the situation can be beneficial. If you think someone has had too much to drink, call for medical assistance immediately.

What to Do When You Notice Signs of Alcohol Poisoning 

If you notice any alarming signs of alcohol poisoning in someone you know or love, it is crucial to take immediate action by calling 911. Keep the person alert and in an upright sitting position, as this can help facilitate their breathing. Encourage them to sip water slowly to stay hydrated and cover them with a warm blanket if they are awake, providing comfort and maintaining their body temperature.

In the unfortunate event that your loved one passes out, gently turn them onto their side to prevent choking and ensure their airway remains clear. Remember, a swift and appropriate response can make a significant difference in such situations.

You should naturally stay with the person until help arrives. Never leave a passed-out or confused person alone. Make sure you remain calm and speak clearly to medical staff if they come. 

Consider Alcohol Addiction Treatment 

Alcohol poisoning is a sign of a bigger problem. For many people, the overdose comes after long periods of alcohol abuse or as part of dependence on drinking. For these problems, addiction treatment is the only healthy way out. Alcohol addiction treatment should include the following: 

Through these programs, you or your loved one get the help needed to stop drinking for the long term. This reduces the risk of alcohol poisoning symptoms and overdose death. 

Find Alcohol Addiction Treatment with Promises Behavioral Health 

Throughout the United States, people enjoy happier and healthier lives after alcohol addiction treatment at Promises Behavioral Health. Contact Promises today at 844.875.5609 to learn more about how to spot the symptoms of alcohol poisoning and how to help yourself or the person you love. 

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