person wondering if their loved one stuggling with depression

Is My Loved One Struggling With Depression?

Depression is a mental health issue that can disrupt a person’s life in all ways. You might wonder: is my loved one struggling with depression? Sometimes it can be difficult to tell if someone is going through a tough time or is dealing with depression.

If you feel that you or a loved one is dealing with depression, residential depression treatment at Promises Behavioral Health can help. Our team of expert mental health professionals will create a tailored treatment plan to help you or your loved one manage depression. The first step is to reach out to us and set up a free consultation. We’ll get to know you or your loved one and see if our residential treatment program is the right fit. Contact us at 844.875.5609 today for more information.

Signs That Your Loved One Is Struggling With Depression

It’s important to remember that everyone is different. f you’re not sure if you or a loved one is dealing with depression, here are some common signs and symptoms:

  • Disinterest in normal events that occur daily
  • Lack of pleasure when engaged in hobbies, sex, sports, and other activities that used to bring joy
  • Restlessness, anxiety, and agitation
  • Suicidal thoughts, frequent mentions of death, and suicide attempts
  • Lack of energy and overwhelming tiredness that makes even the smallest task take great effort
  • Being tearful, sad, or hopeless
  • Feelings of emptiness
  • Sleeping too much or having insomnia
  • Appetite changes such as eating too much or not having as much of an appetite

Depression can look different in different people. If you wonder: is my loved one struggling with depression, realize that many people have symptoms so severe that it causes issues in their daily lives. School, work, relationships, and social activities can all be affected.

How to Help a Loved One with Depression

It can be difficult for a person struggling with depression to identify the signs of the condition in themselves. They might not know about the symptoms and signs of depression. This can make it seem like what they’re feeling is normal. Another stumbling block many people with depression face is the belief that having the condition is somehow shameful. They might think that they should be able to overcome their feelings if only they were strong enough or had the willpower to do so.

The truth, though, is that depression doesn’t usually get better on its own. If left untreated, depression can become worse. Using the right treatment plan can significantly change the person’s outlook.

The following are some steps you can take if you’re worried that your loved one is struggling with depression:

  • Talk to your loved one about what you’re seeing and feeling.
  • Encourage your loved one to see a mental health professional. Promises Behavioral Health can provide a free consultation to help you and your loved one get started on the road to recovery.
  • If your loved one is in danger of harming themselves, don’t leave them alone. Stay with them or take them to the nearest emergency room.
  • Be supportive and understanding. Recovery from depression is a process that takes time.
  • Help your loved one find healthy coping mechanisms, such as exercise, therapy, and journaling.

Get Depression Help at Promises

At Promises Behavioral Health, we understand that if you’re asking if your loved one is struggling with depression, it’s time to take action. You are in a unique position to objectively note what your loved one might not be able to see for themselves.

We offer a range of therapies and treatments for people with depression, including individualized treatment programs, equine-assisted psychotherapy, and art therapy. For more information about depression and how we can help, contact us today at 844.875.5609.

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