Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

person experiencing grief and addiction

How Grief Can Lead to Addiction

Grieving is a natural process after the death of a loved one. Most people are able to cope with the pain and sadness. Others, however, choose to turn to drugs or alcohol for relief. Grief and addiction go hand-in-hand sometimes when the pain is too much to cope with, and they choose to hide from …

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ribbon commemorating PTSD awareness month

Ways to Celebrate PTSD Awareness Month

Approximately 12 million U.S. adults have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during a given year, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. PTSD Awareness Month is in June, and it’s the perfect time to help spread awareness about this serious mental health condition. PTSD treatment centers can help those who are suffering from PTSD symptoms. …

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How Childhood Pain Leads to Relationship Trauma

People with a history of childhood trauma often carry those issues unconsciously forward into adult relationships. A pattern of childhood neglect, emotional or physical abuse, or a story involving sexual molestation or rape creates difficulties for adults as they attempt to make long-term bonds in committed relationships. It is not uncommon to find such an …

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Women and Compulsive Hoarding

A huge closet full of clothes. An endless array of shoes. Multiple pets. In popular culture, it’s common to accuse women of “hoarding” certain types of objects. While oftentimes the female “pack rat” image is merely a joke, there are many instances in which the behavior indicates a serious disorder. Compulsive hoarding, which is often …

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4 Powerful Rituals to Help Heal Trauma and Loss

By Tiffany Dzioba, PsyD, LMFT, Executive Director of Promises The clients we serve suffer from significant mental illness, many times with a co-occurring addiction, and most have experienced profound trauma in their lives. They’ve spent much of their lives struggling with pain that has compromised their functioning and taken away hope. The healing process is …

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A Legacy of Trauma: How Sexual Abuse Can Impact Future Generations

The #MeToo movement has gone viral following sexual harassment and sexual misconduct allegations against a growing list of celebrities. It’s a powerful and needed movement that’s only beginning to shed light on the depth and scale of the problem. “I’m glad people are coming forward,” says Sherry Young, PhD, CSAT, a senior clinical outreach director …

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Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy: How It Heals Trauma

By Tiffany Dzioba, PsyD, LMFT, Clinical Program Director, Promises Malibu Vista Addressing spirituality and spiritual issues in psychotherapy can be an integral part of helping clients heal from trauma and achieve post-traumatic growth. Spiritual concepts such as forgiveness, meaning-making, surrender and connectedness can help clients integrate traumatic events and move forward with new narratives and …

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The Social Stigma of PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a brutal and debilitating illness that affects people who have experienced traumas of all types — from combat veterans, and rape survivors, to survivors of childhood sexual abuse and domestic violence. Overcoming the symptoms of PTSD (anxiety, flashbacks and re-experiencing, among others) is difficult enough, but the social stigma of …

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