Family Resources

Woman thinking about bipolar disorder not otherwise specified

What is Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified?

Bipolar disorder not otherwise specified (BP-NOS) is the diagnostic category that mental health professionals use when describing bipolar symptoms that don’t fit the criteria for an official form of bipolar illness. As such, the category acts as a generalized depository for bipolar-related characteristics. Despite its catchall nature, a BP-NOS diagnosis is medically serious. In many …

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man sitting on the ground considers the challenges of delusional disorder

The Challenges of Delusional Disorder

Psychiatric disorders can be especially frightening and confusing when they involve a loss of touch with reality. In clinical terms, this is known as psychosis. There are several types of psychotic disorders, with schizophrenia being one of the most common. Some people, however, develop delusions that have nothing to do with schizophrenia. They are the …

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man with head in hands considers the signs of a functioning alcoholic

Signs of a Functioning Alcoholic

Are you tired of being stuck in a cycle of alcohol use? Are you concerned that you may be a functioning alcoholic? A functioning alcoholic is someone who appears to have it all together on the outside but who struggles with an alcohol use disorder, also known as alcohol addiction. Signs of a functioning alcoholic …

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People talking about the warning signs of drug addiction

Don’t Miss the Warning Signs of Drug Addiction in Your Loved One

Addiction can affect anyone, but it’s not always easy to spot. Your loved one could be in the throes of addiction, and you may not even know it. If you are worried about a loved one, there are a few warning signs that could indicate addiction. Remember that everyone is different, and not everyone will …

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Person consoling loved one after signs that they need addiction treatment

10 Signs that Your Loved One Needs Addiction Treatment

Addiction can take many shapes and forms. It can be physical or psychological and manifests in different ways. But one thing is certain: addiction is a serious problem that should not be taken lightly. When a loved one is exhibiting signs that they are addicted, it’s important to take action to try to get them …

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a family mends their relationships in family therapy

Mending Relationships in a Family Therapy Program

If your family has been impacted by addiction, you may be struggling to work through painful issues and reconnect. A family therapy program can help every family member resolve the problems that create conflict and feel as though you’re all on the same team again.  Each family is unique, and there are many approaches to …

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man on couch with drink considering the connection between genetics and hangovers

Do Genetics Play a Role in Hangovers and Addiction?

“Hangover” is the widely used term for a collection of short-term side effects that can appear after a person consumes excessive amounts of alcohol. Previous research has shown that drinkers who frequently experience these side effects are more likely to eventually receive a diagnosis for alcohol use disorder (alcohol abuse/alcoholism) than drinkers who typically don’t …

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3 Tips for Family Drug Addiction Intervention

A drug addiction intervention is often portrayed as a single event organized by loved ones to help someone. This may work for some families, but intervention can also take place through several conversations over time. And a drug addiction intervention can also mean treatment itself, like family-based interventions that are often to both prevent and …

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How To Get Someone Into Rehab

“I’m not going to rehab. I don’t have a problem.” Sound familiar? People who struggle with addiction will often deny they have a problem. Denial and resistance are hallmarks of addiction. How do you get someone into drug rehab when they say they don’t need help? After all forcing someone into rehab without a court …

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Ways You Can Help A Drug Addict

Family and friends who try to help a drug addict get a lot of mixed messages: “You’re one of the single greatest influences in your loved one’s life.” “You didn’t cause it, you can’t cure it and you can’t control it.” The first statement and the “three Cs” of addiction recovery are often both true, …

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