Dealing with Anxiety During A Pandemic

For many people in America, anxiety is at an all-time high. This is a period of uncertainty. The last pandemic was one hundred years ago. This is something we have never experienced before, and that creates fear. Stock market concerns, empty supermarket shelves, fear of job loss, and many other issues add to fear of COVID-19. Now more than ever, people are in need of anxiety treatment. 

Many People Don’t Seek Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety and other mood disorders are very treatable. Unfortunately, many don’t receive treatment. Anxiety disorders affect 40 million people in the U.S. each year, but less than 40% of them receive treatment. The most common barriers to treatment include fear of stigma, wanting to handle the problem on their own, and not knowing where to get anxiety treatment

When Should You Seek Anxiety Treatment?

One reason the majority of people don’t seek anxiety treatment is that they don’t realize how serious their problem is. They believe it’s something they can handle on their own.  Signs it’s time to get anxiety treatment include:

  • Avoiding situations or activities you once enjoyed
  • You don’t speak up for yourself or have healthy boundaries
  • Using drugs or alcohol
  • You spend a lot of time worrying
  • You have physical symptoms of anxiety
  • You find it difficult to maintain healthy levels of eating or sleeping

Avoiding Enjoyable or Necessary Activities

Often, others will notice your lack of participation before you do. If you find that you are avoiding activities that you enjoy because of anxiety, you might need anxiety treatment. You may realize that you are avoiding leaving the house or social situations. This is more complex given social distancing and potential quarantines. However, if you find yourself limiting your activities because they cause you anxiety, you should consider treatment.

You Don’t Speak Up For Yourself

If you suffer from anxiety, you may allow others to treat you poorly to avoid confrontation. If keeping the peace is your first priority, even when you are being hurt or disrespected in some way, consider the reason for your behavior. You may not be standing up for yourself to avoid anxiety.

Using Drugs or Alcohol to Cope

20% of anxiety sufferers also have a substance use disorder. Substances are often used as a way to cope with mental health issues like anxiety. They may help temporarily, but they will lead to even more problems and anxiety. Anxiety is also very risky for those who have achieved sobriety. Strong anxiety can cause even the most dedicated client in recovery to relapse. If you are in recovery or have an active addiction, anxiety treatment is very important.

You Experience Physical Symptoms

Physical symptoms of anxiety can be as overwhelming as mental symptoms. In fact, anxiety attacks are often mistaken for heart attacks.  Physical anxiety symptoms include:

  • Shaking
  • Shortness of breath
  • Heart racing or palpitations
  • Hot or cold flashes

Unhealthy Sleeping or Eating Habits

Some people experience a drastic loss of appetite when dealing with anxiety, while others may eat more in an attempt to comfort themselves. Sleep is similar. For some, sleep is nearly impossible due to anxiety. They lay awake unable to relax enough to sleep. Others may sleep more often in an attempt to avoid anxiety, particularly if they also have depression. If you notice extremes in your sleeping and eating habits, it’s an indication you should seek anxiety treatment. 

Getting Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety treatment can greatly improve your quality of life and help you cope with addiction. This is a very high anxiety time. However, it is a great time to seek treatment. Promises Treatment Center can also help you with other mental health disorders such as:

For many people, life may be on hold temporarily due to COVID-19 as businesses and social organizations halt operations. This makes it a great time to get treatment for your anxiety disorder. 

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