How to Build and Maintain a Solid Support System in Recovery

For anyone in recovery, one of the most important tools for continued success is a support system for recovery. This can consist of friends, family members, and ideally, other people who are also in recovery. During a patient’s time at a drug and alcohol treatment center, they may meet and develop close friendships with others who are also looking to get sober. Maintaining contact with friends like this allows recovering substance abusers to feel like they’re part of a team effort to achieve a common goal. This helps to increase a person’s sense of accountability, as well as develop a feeling of belonging — that they’re not in this struggle alone.

What is Recovery?

Many people believe that recovery is simply a matter of abstinence. While abstaining from substance use is a good first step, treatment professionals and researchers believe that there are many aspects of recovery, and there are numerous pathways to follow. There is no single solution that works for everyone. While 12-step groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, or Gamblers Anonymous, are perhaps the most well-known programs, there are other alternatives for those seeking addiction treatment. No matter what you call it, recovery is a process of change through which an individual achieves abstinence, as well as improved health, wellness, and quality of life. It is long-term and wellness-centered. It involves an ongoing process of growth, self-discovery, self-change, and reclaiming the self.  

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Why A Support System for Recovery Matters

Long-term recovery is a lifelong journey. It’s a difficult path to travel alone and is generally made easier with a group of like-minded individuals who support each other. Being part of a sobriety support network of other individuals in recovery is extremely helpful in achieving long-term sobriety. Having friends who you know will help you hold yourself accountable and who can relate to your drive to stay sober is an excellent tool to have at your disposal. In terms of how you build your sobriety support network is up to you. Many people find the 12-step groups mentioned above extremely useful in meeting and getting to know other people in recovery. Others may stay in touch with those they’ve met in a drug rehab program long after their initial stay at a facility. Having a support system for recovery helps to remind people that they’re not alone in their struggles.

The Importance of Healing the Whole Person

Often times, people with substance abuse disorders have underlying problems with mental health, like depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder. As such, it’s important to take a dual diagnosis therapy approach that treats not only the substance abuse but the mental and emotional aspects that are driving the behavior. Physical well-being is a big part of mental health, so our approach to :

  • Emotional well-being
  • Physical health
  • Spiritual peace
  • Relational happiness
  • Intellectual growth
  • Nutritional vitality

Factors that help individuals sustain recovery include:

  • Family Involvement – Persons that are in recovery need the emotional support and stability of the family. Some family members may need to be involved in family treatment, in order to build and sustain a healthy environment for the individual in recovery. This is one of the strongest factors affecting a person’s ability to maintain their treatment – to stay clean and sober.
  • Personal Connection – The individual must be able to develop and maintain a strong personal connection with at least one therapist or counselor (or caregiver).
  • Treatment Type – There are many different types of treatment that the person in recovery may be involved in – from replacement therapy (involving the use of prescribed drugs) to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), among many others. If a treatment type doesn’t feel right, the individual should continue to explore other treatment types and programs until they find the right fit.
  • Personal Motivation – You have to want to be in recovery – and to remain in recovery. This often involves making hard choices, especially in early recovery.
  • Outside Support – There are many types of outside support that may be required, including that from an employer. For example, the support of the employer in paying for a major or portion of treatment often means the difference between an addict’s being able to sustain recovery or falling back into relapse.
  • Other Organizations – Whether faith-based or community-based, involvement in other organizations plays an important part in an individual’s sustained recovery.

Available Recovery Services

There are a lot of recovery resources available for those seeking help. Whether you’re just beginning on your journey, or are seeking an aftercare program to help you build your support system for recovery, Promises is here to help. We believe in an individualized approach to treatment that treats the whole individual from the minute they step foot in our residential treatment center in Austin. Programs that we offer include:

Start Building Your Support System for Recovery

If you’re serious about getting sober, it may be time to speak with a professional to determine the level of care that you would need to achieve your goals. Whether you’re seeking help for yourself or a loved one, the professionals at Promises in Austin, Texas are just a phone call away at 844.875.5609. Alternatively, you can contact us online and we’ll get in touch with you quickly.

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