Is My Loved One Struggling with Depression?

Symptoms can appear slowly over time or develop suddenly. When you have depression, symptoms impact how you think, feel, and act. Depression causes prolonged periods of sadness that don’t get better with time. Depression can occur after experiencing a negative event, like the death of a loved one, but the exact cause isn’t known. If you’re wondering is my loved one struggling with depression, remember that symptoms can develop at any age. Mental health disorders can cause disabling symptoms and make you feel isolated and alone. However, if you’re struggling with depression, you’re far from alone. Depression impacts 7.1% of American adults annually, with an additional 1.9 million Americans between the ages of 3 and 17 experiencing a depressive episode each year.

Is My Loved One Struggling with Depression?

Depression is a mental health disease that causes extended periods of intense sadness. Although everyone experiences sadness, those with depression deal with weeks or months of negative moods and sadness that impact their daily life. If you’re wondering is my loved one struggling with depression, common symptoms of depression include:

  • Feeling hopeless, apathetic, and ambivalent
  • Angry outbursts, crying spells, and irritability
  • Losing interest in activities and hobbies
  • Having or expressing suicidal thoughts
  • Isolating from friends and family members

Wondering is my loved one struggling with depression requires understanding that symptoms vary. Many people with depression can conceal symptoms, meaning that it’s common for those struggling with depression to not openly share their emotions. Depression symptoms can make you feel as though you’re alone and that others don’t care about you, which can create a significant barrier to depression treatment. Another complication of depression is that it can cause conflict in relationships, as symptoms can make it hard to socialize and engage with others. If you’re wondering is my loved one struggling with depression, remember that offering your support and understanding is important.

How to Treat Depression?

When you treat depression in its early stages, it’s curable. In most cases, depression is treated with medications and therapy. Anti-depressant medications, like Zoloft and Prozac, help your brain release more serotonin. Many people struggling with depression have a depletion of serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that’s responsible for positive emotions, like happiness. Anti-depressants can take several weeks to take full effect. Doctors may prescribe medications for several months or long-term, depending on your symptoms. Therapy is another important treatment option for depression. Evidence-based treatments, like cognitive-behavioral therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy, help you understand how your thoughts, feelings, and actions are connected. Therapy also helps you learn how to change and accept negative thoughts and emotions. Therapy provides you with a safe place to share your struggles and triumphs. Having someone to talk to and offer advice also decreases feelings of isolation while improving your communication skills. Another benefit of individual counseling is that you’re able to set goals and create a relapse prevention plan. When you have depression, certain things can trigger your symptoms. Major life changes, stress, and conflict are three examples of potential triggers. Identifying and creating a plan to cope with your triggers is an important way to support your recovery. Medications and therapy can be used side-by-side, which improves treatment outcomes.

Finding Help for Depression Today

Depression can make it hard to pursue your goals, socialize with others, and enjoy life. Symptoms can make it hard to express your struggles with others, especially if you experience ambivalence or hopelessness. If you’re wondering is my loved one struggling with depression, remember that early treatment is the best way to recover from depression. Reaching out for help is the first step towards overcoming depression. Reach out to us today at 844.875.5609 to find out more about common symptoms of depression and your treatment options.

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