Adolescent Issues

A young girl, symbolizing children's mental health issues

Why Is Children’s Mental Health Overlooked?

About 13% of American children and young teens suffer from at least one mental health disorder, yet only about half have been seen by a mental health professional, according to a survey funded in part by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and published in the journal Pediatrics. “We need to get these kids …

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Teen worrying about teens like herself who smoke and binge drink

Do Teens Smoke and Binge Drink at the Same Time?

Smoking and drinking have long been preached against within the walls of the local school’s heath class. Researchers now suggest lessons combine binge drinking and smoking into a single lesson regarding health as they tend to go hand in hand with today’s adolescents. Science Daily published a release examining the findings from Temple researchers. This …

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Teen thinking about bipolar disorder and substance abuse

Bipolar Disorder and Substance Abuse Among Teens

Bipolar disorder and substance abuse are often closely linked, especially among teens. Co-morbidity is a technical term that describes the event of two conditions which occur together. Co-occurring conditions are quite common in medicine. Knowing which conditions tend to go hand-in-hand gives doctors and other health care providers clues as to what illnesses they must …

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Teen stealing prescription drugs lying on bed

You Caught Your Teen Stealing Your Prescription Drugs—Now What?

For what purpose would a young family member steal prescription pills? Are they taking them to get high, fit in, or feel less anxious, stressed, or depressed? Call 844.875.5609 to speak with someone from Promises about teens stealing prescription drugs and how our drug addiction treatment centers can help. How to Catch Someone Stealing Pills …

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girl with head in hands considers the effects of alcohol on teenagers

What Are the Main Alcohol Effects on Teenagers?

Drinking alcohol is a ubiquitous thing to do. When it’s done in moderation by people over 21, it doesn’t always cause problems. However, it’s essential to understand alcohol’s effects on teenagers because they aren’t necessarily the same for adults. The effects of alcohol on teens can be much more dangerous than most people realize. Moreover, …

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red cup full of alcohol are strewn about at a college party

The Arguments Behind Lowering or Raising the Legal Drinking Age

Debates over the age of legal drinking in the U.S. are a common occurrence, especially at times of the year when it comes into the spotlight, like during spring break and around graduation. Many people think our Puritanical ways are responsible for a higher drinking age than in European countries, leading to more rebellious behavior. …

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a dad keeps his teen drug and alcohol-free this summer by bonding

How to Keep Teens Drug and Alcohol-Free This Summer

Summertime is here, and so is the season when many teens with time on their hands turn to experiment with alcohol and drugs. Rather than throw up your hands and say there’s nothing you can do, take a minute to reflect on just how important and influential parents’ roles are to their children. In fact, …

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Teens in the park and cannabis use, it's not just weed

When It’s Not “Just Weed”

Most everyone has a desire to escape, relax and reward themselves occasionally. These are essential parts of a high-quality life. However, unfortunately, many who live with an addiction usually don’t know how to do those things without using and abusing substances. The truth is, many of these individuals have never known anything different, and the …

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Help: My Teen is Struggling with their Mental Health and Addiction

Help: My Teen is Struggling with their Mental Health and Addiction

As you navigate helping your teen struggling with mental health and/or addiction, you may be wondering what your role is in your child’s healing and growth process and wrestling with how to support them best. Whether they are dealing with the everyday drama of teenage life, or are struggling with addiction or other mental health …

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a little girl plays with her coloring books as her parent looks for signs of mental illness in your child

Recognizing Signs of Mental Illness in Your Child

When something just doesn’t seem right with your child, your first reaction is most likely to check to see if there’s something physically wrong. But once you’ve ruled out, or taken care of, any apparent physical reason for your child behaving markedly different, you may wonder if there’s a psychological cause. While there’s usually another …

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