
Is Your Addicted Loved One At Risk for Suicide?

People with addictions are at high risk for suicide. That’s why early intervention with treatment that addresses both the physical and emotional components of substance abuse is critical for addicts. Suicide and Addiction: The Silent Killer According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide is the 10th-leading cause of death in the …

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Using Love as a Drug

Love addiction isn’t as easy to recognize as addiction to substances or to gambling. When you are addicted to chemicals, you revolve your life around chasing the experience of getting high. Anything or anyone that gets in the way of that experience is quickly discarded. The whole purpose of your life is to get high …

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When Does Flirting Cross the Line From Innocent to Addictive?

Flirting is a natural human behavior. We use it as a tool to connect with others, especially romantically. It can, however, be an innocent way to socialize. Not all flirting leads to a romantic or sexual encounter, and to occasionally get carried away with flirting, even when you have a committed partner, is not problematic. …

When Does Flirting Cross the Line From Innocent to Addictive? Read More »

Naloxone: Why There’s No Excuse Not to Save Someone From Opioid Overdose

When someone you care about is addicted to prescription painkillers or heroin, it can feel like you’ve already lost them. Sadly, drug overdose deaths are more common than ever, taking the No. 1 spot in leading causes of accidental death in the U.S., surpassing even car crashes. As you watch your loved one spiral out …

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4 Things It Helps to Understand About Addiction Relapse

“I relapsed.” If you find yourself saying these words despite spending time, money and effort on your addiction recovery, you are likely feeling demoralized and distressed. How could you have jeopardized all that you worked for? How could you have let down not only yourself, but your family and friends? The tough truth about drug …

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