Trauma Therapy

An image symbolizing how to heal from emotional trauma

How To Heal From Emotional Trauma

Virtually everyone is bound to experience a traumatic event at some point in their life. Car accidents, the deaths of loved ones, and chronic illnesses are just a few examples of such experiences. However, it’s important to understand that trauma is the emotional response to an event, not the event itself. Trauma therapy, in turn, …

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A patient and therapist talking about trauma

How to Start Talking About Trauma

Trauma is an emotional response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event or personal assault. Far from being rare, trauma is a common experience, with many studies suggesting that the majority of people will experience at least one traumatic event in their lifetime. Talking about trauma (and PTSD) is difficult for most people. However, understanding …

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Image symbolizing trauma and alcohol abuse

The Connection Between Trauma and Alcohol Abuse

The intertwining of trauma and alcohol abuse is a complex and deeply rooted issue that affects many individuals. Understanding the characteristics of both can shed light on their connection and highlight the importance of seeking comprehensive behavioral health treatment. To learn more about dual diagnosis treatment in Tennessee, call us today at 844.875.5609. Traits of …

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Distressed man sitting in a dark room struggling with PTSD and survival mode

Trauma: How to Move Beyond Survival Mode

It can be incredibly difficult to move past trauma and survival mode because of the deep emotional pain, exhaustion, and fear that comes with it. It can feel like an almost impossible challenge to find the strength and stamina to break free from the gripping hold of trauma. Moving forward is possible, but it requires …

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Mother holding small child while wondering do babies remember trauma

Do Babies Remember Trauma?

Do babies remember trauma? Though there is no definitive answer to this question, research suggests that infants can remember traumatic events, leading to potentially severe future complications. For instance, childhood trauma may cause mental health issues later in life, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Fortunately, trauma and PTSD treatment can help individuals heal and live …

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woman in yellow sweater dealing with the signs of repressed trauma

Signs of Repressed Trauma

Significant events, both positive and negative, can linger in a person’s memory. People handle negative memories in unique ways, but some ways are not always healthy. Trauma disorder treatment programs can help. Some people make the conscious choice to avoid thinking about negative things from the past. Sometimes, people unconsciously forget certain events, thereby forming …

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