Tips for Coping with Isolation During Coronavirus

It is not uncommon for fear to be challenging to manage emotionally, physically, and psychologically when hearing news about this crisis. Everyone across the globe has taken quick action regarding adapting mindsets, daily routines, work, and school. Not only is this pandemic a global health crisis, but it is also wreaking havoc on the economy. During uncertain times, self-care is critical. That is why we are outlining tips for coping with isolation during coronavirus.

Understanding the Types of Isolation

When learning about coping with isolation during coronavirus, that starts with identifying what types of isolation you might experience to avoid mental health issues.

Existential Isolation

This type of isolation occurs when there is a gap between yourself and others despite having a close bond. For example, how you feel about the coronavirus outbreak is unique to you as an individual. While others are expressing their feelings, and they may be similar to yours, the gap remains.

Interpersonal Isolation

When you experience this type of isolation, it is similar to loneliness. For example, your personality might crave interactions more than that of your family or peers. Here is where the quality of your relationships is more relevant than the quantity.

Intrapersonal Isolation

If you disavow a part of your identity, as in referring to it as dead, then you are experiencing intrapersonal isolation. If you feel fragmented as a result of this pandemic, then you know first-hand what intrapersonal isolation does to a person.

Maintaining Social Connections During Coronavirus

We all hear the phrase, “social distancing,” quite often about coronavirus. One of the best ways of coping with isolation during coronavirus is by maintaining the social aspect of your life. While that may seem impossible given the guidelines and restrictions, this is still possible. Here are some tips:

  • Call a friend or family member daily
  • Use social distancing guidelines to visit family and friends
  • Take advantage of virtual video chat platforms
  • Participate in virtual religious gatherings, concerts, or other events
  • Look for live streaming or chat-based book clubs and other interactive groups

Maintaining social connections during coronavirus takes a little creativity and effort. For example, send texts or use messaging platforms to connect with your peers daily. That way, if they are not available for a phone call or video chat, you can still stay in contact. There is also the use of email as a way of sending longer messages when you cannot connect using video or voice platforms.

Develop Health Routines and Stick to Them

Coping with isolation during coronavirus is more than maintaining social connections. It is also about keeping yourself busy and healthy. That means creating a daily routine and keeping it up. Here are some tips:

  • Limit exposure to social media updates and the news releases
  • Participate in virtual or pre-recorded fitness routines
  • Create a schedule for work and (or) school, and follow it every day
  • Go for walks, jog, or hike on trails several times weekly, if not daily
  • Learn how to cook healthier meals and snacks using online tutorials and videos
  • Take an online class to learn a new skill or hobby

Take Pride in Your Surroundings

If you are living in a space that is drab, cluttered, or disorganized, that could lead to feelings of isolation. Coping with isolation during coronavirus also means taking pride in your surroundings. Use free time to clean out closets, organize cabinets, and reorganize your living space. If you have access to different window treatments, bedding, and other types of home décor, consider changing things out and freshening things up. If there are wildflowers in your community, consider picking them and adding some life to your interior spaces.

Seek Mental Health Treatment At Promises Treatment Centers

Coping with isolation during coronavirus is not impossible, especially when you think about everything to which you have access. Staying sober can be one of the hardest parts of recovery, but Promises as tools to help you maintain sobriety. Some of the programs we offer include:

If you believe this is becoming an issue, contact 844.875.5609 today to learn about ways of preventing isolation and how we can help. No one should have to endure these feelings without having the best support.

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